OrangeInk Token Logo

DEX is better than
CEX with OrangeInk.

Trade All CryptoCurrencies at One Place.

Fastest Crypto Currency Exchange Platform.

Powerful, Fast, Low Fees Forever.

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NFT Marketplace Based on Solana Blockchain.

Revolutionary NFT Marketplace

Faster Transaction, Lower Fees Forever.

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Why Solana ?

It's Powerful, Fast and Easy.

Lowest Fees Forever

Solana has an average gas fee of $0.0001. The extremely low gas fees will remain so forever thanks to the highly scalable Solana blockchain.

Unbeatable throughput

Solana is a high-throughput blockchain capable of 65K transactions per second (TPS). Easily scalable in overloading scenarios.

Rapid processing times

Solana averages 0.5 second processing times, making it the fastest blockchain in the world. No waiting for your transaction to be executed in no time.

Why OrangeInk ?

It's Future of Currency.

Concentrated Liquidity++

We introduce concentrated liquidity that’s supercharged with our bespoke smart pricing algorithm on Solana. Our unique Hydra Market Maker (HMM) minimizes LP’s exposure to impermanent loss and maximizes their returns.

Cross-Chain X Solana

Our powerful cross-chain modules to enable seamless cross-chain use-cases for DeFi assets. This means traders and LPs can complete transactions on any chain while leveraging the high TPS throughput, almost zero gas fees.

Smart Aggregation

We take DEXs to the next level with smart aggregation. It gives you the best price by aggregating OrangeInks liquidity pools with Serum’s liquidity. Our smart protocol delivers deeper liquidity and a significantly reduced risk of price slippage on big trades.